

A mythical being rarely seen by human eyes oweing to the fact that it enjoys copious amounts of solitude either at a desk (usually featuring a computer with access to sporting statistics) or in an armchair with a box of wine or crate of Stella.

One will often be able to hear the cry of a Mudd while in a common place such as a kitchen. Common callings include the phrases include "ANKERS," "TIT," "SHUT UP," and "ANYMORE OF THAT AND YOU'LL BE IN THE BOOK!" These may sound similar to someone who suffers from Tourette's syndrome.

It is well known that the Mudd enjoys hunting for jailbait and declairing itself as "always right." It is currently believed to have an intelligence level on a parr with an assistant manager of a common fast-food outlet.
One may be heard saying...

"What's that noise?"

"Oh don't worry, it's just the Mudd - it's probably hungover again..."

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